Lone Star Chinese School
the School of Language, Math & Arts

Fall/Winter/New Year/Spring Break Camp
Easter Camp/Summer Camp
School's out, Kid's in
During the school breaks, we offer camps for children to learn Chinese, English, Math,Science and arts with fun.
The camps include lessons, activities, arts, crafts, science experiments, and sports.
2025 Spring- Break Camp
Mar. 14, Mar.17-21, Mar. 24,25
8:30-6:00 with extended care
4-12 yrs old
Every day, students will learn Chinese language, culture and activities :
9:00am - 4:00pm; March 14, March 17-21, March 24, 25;
We open @8:30am
Extended care: 4:00-6:00pm
Morning Camp:
8:30am - 12:45 pm
All-day Camp:
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Extended care: Morning Camp from12:45pm on $10/hour
Full-day Camp 4:00-6:00 pm $10/hour
75-120minutes is counted as 2 hours
15 minutes grace period for late picking up
Daily Schedule:
8:30 - 9:15am Drop off, greeting, preparation 准备
9:15 -10:00am Chinese Class 中文课
10:00 -10:30am Snack Break 零食与休息(bring your own nuts-free snack)
10:30 -11:15am Chinese Culture 中国文化课
11:15 -11:45am Activities or Sports 活动与运动(indoor or outdoor activities upon the weather condition)
11:45am-12:15pm Story time
12:15-1:30pm Lunch & Nap or Quiet Time, morning camper pickup time 午餐与午休, 半天营家长接孩子时间
bring your own lunch or snacks, water or fruit juice; no soda
(Food must be peanuts-free)
1:30- 3:00 pm Activities, Culture Drawing, Food making, Sports or Science Experiment
活动, 运动, 绘画,科学实验, 点心
3:00-3:15pm Snack Break 零食与休息
3:15 - 3:45pm Reading, story or game time 读书,故事,游戏
3:45-4:00pm Clean Up, Circle Time & Pickup 故事, 收拾, 等待
4:00-6:00 Extended Care: Board games, reading.... 游戏,读书,故事
6:00-6:15 Grace period for late pickup.
Camp Fees:
Register before March 1st:
Morning Camp fee: $40/day, sibling: $35.00/day
All-day Camp fee: $75.00/day, sibling $70.00/day
1 week (any 5 half-days) Morning Camp fee: $175.00/week; siblings: $170.00/week
1 week (any 5 days ) Full-day Camp fee: $295.00/week;siblings:$285.00/week
8days: $465.00; siblings: $445.00
After March 1st:
Add $10/day for Full-day Camp and $5 for Morning Camp
Add $30/week for Full-day Camp and $20.00 for Morning Camp
The kids under 4years old: $5.00 per day. must be diaper trained
Or Link here: https://forms.gle/NHFKg4WpYcittcSY7
2025 Easter Camp
April 18 Fri, April 21 Mon
8:30-6:15 with extended care
4-12 yrs old
9:00am - 4:00pm; April 18th and April 21st
We open @8:30am
Extended care: 4:00-6:00pm
Daily Schedule:
8:30 - 9:15am Drop off, greeting, preparation 准备
9:15 -10:00am Chinese Class 中文课
10:00 -10:30am Snack Break 零食与休息 (bring your own nuts-free snack)
10:30 -11:15am Chinese Culture 中国文化课
11:15 -11:45am Activities or Sports 活动与运动(indoor or outdoor activities upon the weather condition)
11:45am-12:15pm Story time
12:15-1:30pm Lunch & Nap or Quiet Time, morning camper pickup time 午餐与午休, 半天营家长接孩子时间
bring your own lunch or snacks, water or fruit juice; no soda
(Food must be peanuts-free)
1:30- 3:00 pm Activities, Culture Drawing, Food making, Sports or Science Experiment
活动, 运动, 绘画,科学实验, 点心
3:00-3:15pm Snack Break 零食与休息 (bring your own nuts-free snack)
3:15 - 3:45pm Reading, story or game time 读书,故事,游戏
3:45-4:00pm Clean Up, Circle Time & Pickup 故事, 收拾, 等待
4:00-6:00 Extended Care: Board games, reading.... 游戏,读书,故事
6:00-6:15 Grace period for late pickup.
Camp Fees:
Register before April 1st:
Morning Camp fee: $40/day, sibling: $35.00/day
All-day Camp fee: $75.00/day, sibling $70.00/day
After April 1st:
Add $10/day for Full-day Camp and $5 for Morning Camp
The kids under 4years old: $5.00 per day. must be diaper trained
Or Link here: https://forms.gle/NHFKg4WpYcittcSY7
2025 Summer Camps
May 23rd - August 1st
Monday - Friday
8:30-6:00 (with extended care)
4-12 yrs old
bring your nut-free snack & lunch
In the camp, students will learn about Chinese language, culture, history, technology and more.
All materials will are correspond to our summer theme to offer activities-based, hands-on
curriculum, supplemented by fun and exciting recreational activities, for example: calligraphy,
painting, paper cutting, origami, Mahjong, Chinese Chess, Pingpong, shuttlecock, fan dance,
Taichi, yoyo, tug of war...
9:00am - 4:00pm; Monday - Friday; May 27th - August 8th; (drop off as early as 8:30, no extra charge)
summer break: June 30th - July 5th (week of July 4th)
Morning Camp:
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 12:45 pm ( bring your nut-free snack & lunch)
All-day Camp:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Extended care: Morning Camp 12:45-2:45pm $10/hour
Full-day Camp 4:00-6:00 pm $10/hour
75-120minutes is counted as 2 hours
15 minutes grace period for late picking up
Daily Schedule:
8:30 - 9:15am Drop off, greeting, preparation 准备
9:15 -10:00am Class Rotation 1 第一节课
10:00 -10:30am Snack Break 零食与休息
10:30 -11:15am Class Rotation 2 第二节课
11:15 -11:45am Activities or Sports 活动与运动(indoor or outdoor activities upon the weather condition)
11:45am-12:15pm Story time
12:15-1:30pm Lunch & Nap or Quiet Time; Morning camper pickup 午餐与午休
1:30-2:15pm Class Rotation 3 第三节课
2:15 - 2:45 pm Snack Break 零食与休息
2:45 - 3:45pm Activities, Food making, Sports or Science Experiment 活动, 运动, 科学实验, 做点心
3:45-4:00pm Clean Up, Story Time & Pickup 故事, 收拾,等待
4:00-6:00 Extended Care: Board games, reading.... 游戏,读书,故事
6:00-6:15 Grace period for late pickup.
Class Rotation:
3 classes from: Math, English reading or writing, Chinese language, Science based on student's grade
and academic level.
Lunch and Lunch Break 12:15-1:30pm: bring your own lunch or snacks, water or fruit juice; no soda
Snack and Water: Self-prepared snacks and water. The camp may provide theme-related food. Please let school know
if you don't want your child to eat.
All food must be peanuts free.
Special Time:
Field/outdoor Day: Wednesday morning (May make an indoor field day, eg. Camping night if outside is too hot)
All About Food: Friday afternoon
Discovery Camp for Lower Grades: Pre K - 3rd grade
Adventure Camp for Upper Grades: 3rd - 6th grade
Week 1(May 23, 27 - 30): All about China 大好河山
Week 2 (June 2 - 6): Magic China 人杰地灵
Week 3 (June 9 -13): Foodie Adventure 美味佳肴
Week 4 (June 16 - 20): Animal World 动物世界
Week 5 (June 23 - 27): Enchanted Colors 五颜六色
Week 6 ( July 7 - 11): I am a little chef 心灵手巧
Week 7 (July 14 -18): Mystery Math 妙不可言
Week 8 (July 21 - 25): Little dress designer (explore to Chinese dress) 独具匠心
Week 9 (July 28 - Aug 1): Chinese Olympic Games (folk sports) 龙腾虎跃
Camp Fees(including a T-shirt):
Register before April 30th:
Reg. fee: $20.00 per student; $30 per family
Morning Camp fee: $185 per week, Sibling: $170.00
All-day Camp fee: $295.00, sibling $275.00
Week 3 & Week 6 fee: add $10.00 for morning or $20.00 for all day camp
Daily Rate: $75.00 Mon-Thur; $85.00 Friday
After April 30th:
Add $20 per week for Full-day Camp and $10 for Morning Camp
Early Registration fee: See above
Register Here: https://forms.gle/945nHWc4hFjdK6Fp6
Chinese Heritage Camp
龙的传人夏令营(for adopted children only)
This is a camp for the children who adopted from China. It offers programs for Pre-K through high school.
The kids will learn Chinese language and culture to gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese culture and share their adoption stories.
Camp Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm; July 14th - July 18th
For adopted kids from China
4 yrs old to 18 yrs old
Daily Schedule:
8:30 - 9:15am Drop off, greeting, preparation 准备
9:15 -10:00am Conversational Chinese Class 口语
10:00 -10:30am Snack Break 零食与休息
10:30 -11:45am Symposium or activities 座谈会或活动
11:45am-12:15pm Story or Game 故事与游戏
12:15 - 1:15 pm Lunch & Nap or Quiet Time 午餐与午休
1:15 - 2:00pm Chinese Culture 中国文化
2:00 - 2:45pm Activities, Food making, Sports or Science Experiment 活动, 运动, 科学实验, 做点心
2:45-3:15pm Snack Break 零食与休息
3:15 - 3:40pm Reading, story or game time 读书,故事,游戏
3:40-4:00pm Clean Up, Story Time & Pickup 收拾, 故事, 等待
4:00-6:00pm Extended Care: Board games, reading.... 游戏,读书,故事
6:00-6:15pm Grace period for late pickup
Day Camp Theme & Content
Day 1 (July 14th): Magic China 大好河山,人文地理
Signs of China, China History, Chinese Arithmetic, Poems Appreciation,
Cities, mountains & Rivers, Opera, Food, Great Inventions, Arts & Calligraphy
Hands-on Project: Calligraphy
Day 2 ( July 15th): I Love My Family 幸福家园, 爱意满满
Family Members, House, Professional & Places, Hobbies
Famous People in the China History
Hands-on Project: Chinese Painting
Day 3 ( July 16th) Enchanted Colors 五彩缤纷,花枝招展
Colors, Nature, Fruit & Vegetables, Plants
Hands-on Project: Plant Vegetables or flowers
Day 4 (July 17th) Animal World 动物世界, 奇妙无比
Panda, 12 Chinese Zodiac, Animals from Legend,Animals
Hands-on Project: Make a panda
Day 5 (July 18th) West meets East 水乳交融, 垂涎欲滴
Kitchen, Chinese Cuisines, Six Tastes, Colors & Food
Holidays & Food, Birthday Food, Traditional Food, Dim-Sum
Hands-on Project: Make dumplings
Register before May 1st:
Weekly: $225.00
Daily (Day 1 - Day 4): $55.00
Daily (Day 5): $60.00
Register after May 1st:
Add $20.00 weekly; $5.00 daily
or go to: https://forms.gle/945nHWc4hFjdK6Fp6